Hidden Chamber Revealed Inside Great Pyramid of Giza
Researchers used cosmic-ray imaging to uncover the 30-foot-long corridor
the Great Pyramid of Giza is still revealing new secrets.
On Thursday, Egyptian officials announced the discovery of a hidden corridor above the pyramid’s entrance. Measuring 30 feet long, the passage could serve as a jumping-off point for additional research into the mysterious inner chambers.
Abnormal skulls
Pharaoh Akhenaten and his wife Nefertini are believed to have abnormally longitudinal skulls.
For a long time, experts have been unsure of the cause behind this physical deformity, and some believe that the reason behind it is a genetic defect.
Two of these genetic defects are called hyperaromatosis syndrome and craniosynostosis, according to Erwin Braverman, a professor of dermatology at Yale University.
But because no mummy was found for both Akhenaten and his wife Nefertini, it’s hard to say for sure.
The path of spirits between the pyramids
Scientists believe that there is a hidden road that confuses the pyramids of Khufu and Khafre to transport souls
Saqqara bird
One of the pharaonic artifacts shrouded in mystery is the Saqqara bird.
This statue is believed to be the oldest known example of a flying machine in the world, and there are plenty of theories trying to explain the strange device.
According to Egyptian historian Ahmed Osman, the “Saqqara bird” may have been carved by an ancient secret society specializing in invention.
Others believe the bird was a baby doll or perhaps a weather feather that determines the direction of the wind.
This pyramid may actually be the highest ever built, reaching 722 feet (about 240 feet longer than the Great Pyramid), but it is believed that the pyramid was actually destroyed, and the documentary suggested that the reason may be that the “Djedev-Ra” was not popular.
King Tutankhamun is perhaps one of the most famous pharaohs, although he died young. But the answer to the question “How did he die?” remains unclear.
In 2013, a group of British researchers released a documentary titled “Tutankhamun: The Mystery of the Burning Mummy,” in which they based their analysis on X-rays of his mummy taken in 1968, along with CT scans conducted by Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities in 2005.
The film revealed that he suffered significant damage to his ribs, along with a broken leg, which prompted the team to wait
The most beautiful and strangest carved statue in the world
Made of green diorite, the hardest stone on the planet after diamonds…
There is no statue throughout the history of mankind that man was able to carve from this stone except very small sculptures about this statue and not accurately carved …
They tried to use electric marble cutting tools and tools to carve in green diorite.
And they did not succeed in carving any statue of such size and precision…
The statue is surrounded by the falcon Horus the guard …
And it’s also miraculous that you can’t see the falcon Horus except from the side
As for the Imam, you do not see the face of the king.
Statue of King Khafre – Sucking Museum